Font with mosaic
in the style of
Antonio Gaudi

How we decorated the font with smalt and ceramic tiles
in the trenkadis technique for a private customer.

Trenkadis is a style recognizable
all over the world

Trenkadis is a style of "broken" mosaic without observing the classical canons. Such a mosaic was assembled from fragments of ceramic tiles, glass of different textures. The most prominent and well-known representative of this style is the artist Antonio Gaudi.


A designer approached us with an interesting proposal - to assemble a mosaic and develop a sketch for decorating the font. The task was to decorate with mosaics not only straight surfaces, such as walls and floor, but also the font itself and the bench.
mosaic from smalt to order, three-dimensional sculpture from mosaic, monumental mosaic, order mosaic, order mosaic from smalt, mosaic from tile, mosaic for home
The sketch for the font designed by the artist and approved by the customer
It was important not to go beyond the color set by the customer - the font should have turned out in light shades with a slight addition of bright accents. From the materials, smalt and ceramic tiles were agreed as materials suitable for indoor mosaics. The customer provided the ceramic tile to us independently.
Our production has developed a special technology for cooking smalt and giving it certain shapes. This technology was suitable for facing three-dimensional fragments of the font.
Sergey Kolbasov
Head of the ArtWorker Mosaic workshop
How did the preparation process take place?

Initially, samples were taken at the facility from all convex sections of the font (from the sides, bowls, benches) and the bases were made from these samples, on which the not yet frozen smalt was laid out.

In the process of solidification, the smalt acquired the desired curved shape and was then mounted on suitable fragments of the font.

Thus, the process of installation and assembly of the mosaic was simplified. On flat areas of the font, the mosaic was mounted with a direct set on cement glue, followed by grouting of the seams with an epoxy compound.

The material was split into modules using glass cutter cutters and a special anvil for working with smalt.
mosaic from smalt to order, three-dimensional sculpture from mosaic, monumental mosaic, order mosaic, order mosaic from smalt, mosaic from tile, mosaic for home
Production of curved shapes
The process of solidification of smalt for the sides of the font.

Our portfolio

Even more completed projects in our personal collection with articles!

The assembly process

  • 35 days

    The deadline for all work on the site
  • 16 m2

    The area of the mosaic panel
  • 4х6 cm

    The size of the smalt tesserae used in the mosaic
  • 80 kg

    Epoxy grout for the object
Why was smalt chosen?

Smalt is a colored opaque glass, that is, completely colored in its mass.

On convex surfaces during the mosaic assembly process, ceramic tiles and smalt form sharp edges that will be traumatic during the existence of the font.

Ceramic tiles cannot be sanded, as the paint layer (upper glaze) will be erased and the lower ceramic base will appear.

Therefore, for convex bends, where contact with the font surface is possible, we used smalt and polished all sharp corners, obtaining a smooth and safe surface.

Smalt does not lose its color and technical properties during the grinding process and therefore will serve its purpose for a very long time.
mosaic from smalt to order, three-dimensional sculpture from mosaic, monumental mosaic, order mosaic, order mosaic from smalt, mosaic from tile, mosaic for home
Polishing of the protruding parts of the mosaic
The process of grinding the sharp corners of the smalt on the protruding parts.
The final view after assembly and installation.
Selection of suitable shapes for lining the font rim.
In the process of assembling the mosaics on the back wall and more often the font.
In the process of selecting the material for the font.
In the process of working on the mosaic, the selection and installation of ceramic tiles and smalt.
In the process of assembling the mosaic on the back wall of the font.
A fragment of the font in the process of work.
Smalt made according to the color palette approved by the customer.

Example of assembling a Gaudi-style mosaic

Watch our short video about how we assembled the mosaic on the countertop in the style and manner of Antonio Gaudi.
The most painstaking part of the work is the selection of pieces of smalt and ceramic tiles to each other, as well as their cutting into the desired module. It was important to observe smooth and neat seams between the modules.
The process of selecting suitable fragments for the volumetric sides of the font. In total, more than 80 bulk samples of smalt of different shapes and colors were produced for coordination with the customer.

Finished font

The finished mosaic on the object is already with polished joints and worn seams. The seams of the finished mosaic were rubbed with epoxy grout to strengthen the structure and prevent moisture from entering between the modules.
mosaic from smalt to order, three-dimensional sculpture from mosaic, monumental mosaic, order mosaic, order mosaic from smalt, mosaic from tile, mosaic for home
The final view of the font with a mosaic in the style of Antonio Gaudi after grout and installation.

We assemble mosaic panels in any technique from scratch, and also perform mosaic restoration

We assemble a mosaic of glass tiles, natural stone, smalt and ceramics inside and outside the room. We work with large objects and private orders. We restore mosaic objects of any complexity. We will calculate the cost and consult on all issues.